I’ve done it again - I’ve quit.

Well, I’ve done it again. I’ve QUIT!
And as I stand here on the EDGE it is both thrilling and terrifying. There is some serious skin in the game here. And what have I done? 
I’ve decided to stop my biggest coaching programme – my flagship February is the New January FNJ course, which completed its 6th cohort in 2022. 

I’ve followed this witchy feeling I started to get last year and to follow my instincts, intuition and my gut. 


Because COACHING IS COOL and outstandingly effective and I love working with people on their problem-solving and flourishing. From March: new, refreshed, reset, potent 1:1 coaching –  ready to take on this radical, emerging and wildly creative post-covid landscape. Discovery calls will be open in March - so DO GET IN TOUCH if you are interested in getting on the waitlist and applying for coaching spots. Chances are I’ll cook up another coaching group - the intelligence and wisdom that arises from the engaged and conscious collective is something else.


The market is changing, people’s needs are changing, I am changing and new ideas, programmes and offers are emerging. Also burn-out. Deep deep burn-out that so many people were feeling post-pandemic. I’m as resilient as the next person - yes really (I have a very very conflicted relationship with the resilience fascination, because it’s all about how many knocks you can take and STILL CARRY ON yet one does not know whether someone is on knock 1 million or knock 50 million. SO as we laud ourselves and others as resilient we may not have the full picture of just how close to the straw that breaks the camel’s back a person is.)
Also, and you can hear more about this in the podcast that Angela Ortiz Pettas recorded with me, when I have have ignored the witchy feeling, whether 17 or 37, it has not ended well. Course correction can take years and here I am in my 51st year, seriously course correcting and taking a season to steal myself and a year to build sturdy foundations on which to build for 61 and 71 year old me. And so much art.
February is reserved for retreat this year. It’s my own personal FNJ. I feel a bit like the lobster a friend recently told me about, that sheds its shell in order to grow, becomes raw and delicate and retreats until it hardens again. Oh how sweet to be in retreat, all soft and tender. I’m also heeding the deep wisdom of teenage me, in her Dad’s office finding the courage tell her Dad that she wasn’t going to keep going with the A-level choices that she was meant to but is quitting them to do the courses she wants to, that fit better, that she excelled in. BUT DIDN’T CHANGE. I mean, it was somewhat ambitious to think I was going to be a doctor and excel in Chemistry, Biology and Maths, but what if I had had the courage then to QUIT…? And had had the courage to change to Drama, English, French and Art? Regardless of the well-meaning advice (Shout out to Dad who also wishes he could turn back the clock - great thing is that that science background is endlessly useful though - especially in a pandemic, especially to understand research and statistics). 

Because here’s what people forget  – there can be as much risk in not quitting. When we keep doing things that we are ‘supposed to’ we can lose the joy and lose ourselves. And let's not forget Covid and how that has fundamentally changed us all. And so - I quit. The witchy feelings began last year, but I decided to complete year 5 - it felt right, it felt good, it felt enough.

Facebook showed me this post - telling me that I launched the first FNJ programme this week, 2017. I put together some retro photos below from the PR - it’s nice to look back and thank all those other version of myself and i rather like looking back on photo shoots of yore - I don’t mind seeing pictures of myself - I highly encourage you to look at and enjoy pictures of yourself too - look at you - all here and survived and such. 

Since then I’ve taken multiple people through FNJ and had multiple:

Houses built, houses purchased, country moves, jobs quit, promotions, family bereavements, Promotions, Awards and nominations, Books written, Businesses started, babies born, masters degrees entered and graduated from, boards of directors joined, World Economic Forum membership. Redundancies, marriages, splits and so many lifetime friendships and connections formed and nurtured.

Science, psychology and potent magic.

Because as crazy and wild as this decision is, I have done the maths, and I’ve checked the consensus reality. I’ve checked the bank balance, I’ve checked in with Laura, I’ve checked in with my husband, and I know for sure that I am not going to be putting any of them in any danger. I’m talking to my coach and I’m checking in with my inner circle of trusted friends, and I know I’m not putting them in any danger either. Maybe a bit of strain. But danger – NO. Because putting people close to you in danger through reckless decisions is NOT COOL! I know it’s a privilege to change directions like this and as much as we have put into place the safety nets over the years and taken care of business, I DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that this is hugely fortunate. 
SFC – Sarah Furuya CREATIVE.

So what’s next? There is no blueprint just yet; but it is unfolding, and this next chapter is focussing on the creative. On making, producing, writing and bringing more expression into the world. I love art. I love writing. I love all this wondrous art that is falling into my path, and having witnessed friends and clients on their own personal creative journeys I’m being led by that too. Oh and so much opportunity is presenting itself. Because being creative is life. It is inevitable. For me. It may have taken me 35 years to truly turn the ship, but If that is what is at your core, it can’t be ignored, lest it consume you from the inside. I’m taking time to paint, to read, to write, to reduce and devote. And integrity is firmly intact as I retreat into February and allow the potent magic to reveal what is waiting to emerge. 
Of course, there is still coaching; coaching will always ALWAYS be at the heart of what I do, and to my current clients rest assured there will be emails soon with offers for you. Because dropping everything and everyone to go follow some pipe dream is NOT COOL!
In March I will emerge a newly minted Rock Lobster, with potent offers for my beloved clients, Dreamweaving for my groups, and a whole beautiful artful plan of action. I mean I’m flexible on the grand plan to be honest, but things will get moving in March! And sayonara FNJ - you have been amazing - thank you EVERYONE who participated in the programme and allowed me to witness, hold and design your dreams and bring them into reality. It’s been truly terrific.
And how about YOU?

Are you getting witchy feelings? Are you on any edges? Do you need some support?
Book in a discovery call in March and I can coach you through following your intuition. info@sarahfuruya.com
Maybe you have everything in place, you’re having a no change year and you want to maximise that – coaching can be great when you are getting better and better.
And what words of wisdom or encouragement would you have for a wee lobster shedding their shell and retreating until it toughens up? There’s such magic in this community and thank you for allowing me into your inbox.
Have a lovely January and February and do stay in touch over at Sarah Furuya Creative on Facebook, @sarahfuruyacreative or @sarahfuruya on Instagram and of course, if you have any questions or inquiries about coaching waitlist - info@sarahfuruya.com


‘All of Me’ Opening Party & Exhibition


How did you get here? - A writing prompt