
Kozue Oka: Legend of Future Japan  - Mirai no mori
Sarah Furuya Sarah Furuya

Kozue Oka: Legend of Future Japan - Mirai no mori

In this legend, we learn about the power of nature and of opportunities.

Welcome to Season 4 Episode One!

Helping abused, neglected, and orphaned children living in Japanese care homes to develop skills and confidence through outdoor programs. This is what my wonderful guest Kozue Oka, director of Mirai no Mori or “Future Forest” does. She is just 30 years old but has packed so much into those years. I would love you to share in this story of someone helping children to grow into happy and successful young adults through the power of being in nature.

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Legend of Heathen Mysticism, Katherine North
Sarah Furuya Sarah Furuya

Legend of Heathen Mysticism, Katherine North

Introducing the last legend of the season, Katherine North, the legend of Heathen Mysticism.

“Women’s bodies are potent territory, you could even say that they have magical powers and so the urge to control them is about power”.

We are hilarious together - when coaches talk they get curious and ask questions so sometimes I go off a bit - it’s a conversation - please enjoy!

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