Tziporah & The Art of Dressing

The magical, whimsical, spellbinding Tziporah Salamon  is bringing to a close her Asian tour- the art of dressing.  She’s fascinating, inspiring and started this chapter of her life aged 60. Tokyo, Kobe, Kyoto and finally back in Tokyo where she shared her style through the ages. Team #Tziporah, so happy to have shared the experience with her.

“I get thanked every day. Dressing open doors.” And it’s so fun to watch you construct your amazing outfits.  She’s beguiling. Spellbinding

“Tzip you make me so happy on the inside!”
“That’s it! Dressing is one way to make peace and joy and beauty in the world.”

Here’s the thing. It’s not really about fashion and style (although it is). Not only that. It’s about the deep connection we feel around culture, beauty and art. Like these two. Mika and Tziporah- we met Mika last year at Tziporah’s event. She wears the most beautiful contemporary kimono that she makes herself with jewels and obi she crafts. She brought a mirror she had made for Tzip as a gift with a silk case. The mirror is a tribute to Bill Cunningham with a camera, bicycle and pages from the New York Times. The case quotes him “You are a marvelous, exotic bird of paradise”. She describes Bill as her mentor and even though she never met him, feels a deep connection to him. A connection that extends to Tzip. She wore a workman blue kimono with a bicycle brooch as a tribute to Bill. Tziporah was thrilled. As were we. There were a few wet eyes in the Machiya. So touching and gracious and sweet. It’s not about fashion and style alone. It is about those things. But more it’s about joy and connection and the deep, weighty, delightful feeling inside when you witness beauty, love and authenticity. And mastery, expertise and ease. So very lovely. Cherished moments we will never forget.

The final installment was back in Tokyo- Our style-loving guests from  Tziporah’s Stories event. Thank you all for coming.

Can’t even. It’s not about clothes. It’s so much more. About doing what you want. Reinventing when you want to. And…I can’t even. I don’t wish to copy. To be. Or emulate. No. I just want to be. More of me. Although I definitely would definitely love a sprinkle of Tzip! BRING IT. Such an amazing experience


4 Seasons of Swaps


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