Supporting Refugees in Their Leadership.

It is an honour and privilege to sit on the Board of Directors of Refugees International Japan.

We have exciting news to release later in the year!

What I love about RIJ is that we are not here to help.

Because guess what?

People who have been displaced from their homes due to war, conflict, religious ousting, natural disaster, political disaster and the other sudden causes for which people seek refuge don’t become incapable. They still have their skills, professions, abilities, leadership, dignity, motivation and pride. They are still full humans with their full capability.

Guess what else?

People who have been displaced would prefer to stay closer to their home and culture, with the hope to return again some day

  • What they may lack is resources.

  • They may have left everything behind.

  • Everything may have been destroyed.

This is where RIJ enters. Using the funds that we raise through our fundraising activity we supply MUCH NEEDED resources and support for the people in camps to gather, organise and become independent creating sustainable leadership and projects to support until they are either able to return home be re-homed when they leave the camps. Just people. People like you and me. Who get removed and displaced.

How can you help? Become a friend of RIJ here.

100% sustainable ZERO WASTE gift for either you or your company employees or your family at Christmas. There’s enough stuff in the world.

If you are interested to know more about the refugee experience from Vincent - our advisor at RIJ and a former refugee in Cambodia during the time of the Khmer Rouge, buy his book “Father Missed His Plane” an account of his families escape to Australia.

Seeking refuge is an act that I believe should be met with kindness and reverence. RIJ seeks to provide resources for displaced people to find dignity, independence and freedom.

Look out for announcements soon!


Legend of Social Impact, Angela Ortiz- Next podcast episode released✨


Planning for Love and Quality